Bond Strength of Resin Composite Posts Placed in Primary Teeth: A Comparison of Adhesive Systems


  • Mohammad Aun Ali Mehdi, Zain Noor, Nabiya Shahroz, Mariam Adnan, Irha Hussain Zaidi, Sumayya Surti



Objective: In this study, researchers used two different adhesives to determine which ones had the strongest push-out connection between resin composite posts and primary teeth's intracanal dentin.

Methods: Fifty primary lateral incisors were split into two groups (n = 25) and treated with either Adper Single Bond 2 (ASB group) or Clearfil SE Bond 2 (CSE). Resin composite was used to fill the canal in the root's coronal one-third. A universal testing equipment was used to conduct the push-out evaluation. The data was analyzed using t-test.

Results:  Strengths of push-out bonds were found to be significantly different amongst the two groups using t-test (p=0.000). The mean±S.D push-out bond strength of the samples in ASB group was 8.41±4.83 Mpa, while mean±S.D push-out bond strength of the samples in CSE group was 14.21±4.03 Mpa. Most failures were adhesive, and there was no difference (p=0.327) in the fracture mode distribution between bonding agents.

Conclusion: In terms of push-out bond strength, CSE group was clearly superior to ASB group. When placing resin composite posts in primary anterior teeth, it is advised to utilize a universal adhesive system and self-etch adhesives from the sixth generation. Due to their simplicity of use, reduced technical sensitivity, and reduced number of required clinical processes, bonding agents may be a desirable choice for repairing primary teeth with short resin composite posts.

Keywords: Adhesive system, bond strength, primary teeth, resin composite


How to Cite

Mohammad Aun Ali Mehdi, Zain Noor, Nabiya Shahroz, Mariam Adnan, Irha Hussain Zaidi, Sumayya Surti. (2023). Bond Strength of Resin Composite Posts Placed in Primary Teeth: A Comparison of Adhesive Systems. Pakistan Journal of Medical & Health Sciences, 17(03), 518.