Frequency of Oral Lesions in Diabetic Patients on Oral Hypoglycemic Drugs and Insulin


  • Sanaa Ahmed, Hina Shah, Juwariah Sohail, Saba Rizwan, Sadia Khalil, Mohsin Rizvi



Background: Lichen planus is a pre-cancerous condition which is immune mediated. It is often linked with other autoimmune diseases such as Diabetes Mellitus. It is linked with both Type 1 and Type 2 DM.

Methods: A retrospective cross-sectional study that was conducted at Jinnah Sindh Medical University on data of patients coming to Oral Medicine OPD from January 2020- December 2022. Diabetic patient`s data was extracted, and secondary analysis was done on it to find out the frequency of the lesions in both types.

Results: Data of 211 patients were analyzed through SPSS ver. 20. Total of 30 patient with oral lesions presented with diabetes mellitus with 8 having hepatitis c. Data was excluded of those with co-morbid. The predominant age group was 41-50 years, all males, presenting with type 2 DM. Gingivitis(N=10) was the commonest followed by Oral Lichen Planus(N=7), Periodontitis(N=3), and Infections(N=2).The lesions were predominant in patients on Glucophage and insulin.

Conclusion: Diabetes Mellitus predisposes patients to a variety of oral problems. Early diagnosis of these lesions and changes in medication as per requirement to treat these lesions may benefit the quality of life of these patients.

Keywords: Oral Lichen Planus, Diabetes Mellitus, Autoimmune disorder


How to Cite

Sanaa Ahmed, Hina Shah, Juwariah Sohail, Saba Rizwan, Sadia Khalil, Mohsin Rizvi. (2023). Frequency of Oral Lesions in Diabetic Patients on Oral Hypoglycemic Drugs and Insulin. Pakistan Journal of Medical & Health Sciences, 17(03), 495.