Impact of Delayed Presentation on the Surgical Outcome of Epidural Hematoma in Traumatic Brain Injury Patients


  • Arshad Iqbal, Taimoor Ali, Muhammad Anwarullah, Qazi Ziaullah



Objectives: To note the impact of delayed presentation on the surgical outcome of extradural hematoma in traumatic brain injury.

Study Design: A case-series study.

Place Duration of the Study: Department of Neurosurgery, Lady Reading Hospital Peshawar from July 2018 to June 2019.

Methodology: A total of 119 patients of both genders aged 15-45 years suffering from epidural hematoma with history of head trauma presented after 6 hours having size of hematoma above 30 ml (as per axial images of CT brain) were included. Frequency of favorable and unfavorable outcomes were noted after three months of follow-up. Outcome was termed as favorable if patient had good recover or moderate disability.

Results: Out of total 119 patients, 89 (74.8%) were male. Unfavorable outcome was noted in 37.8% (n=45) of total patients with delayed presentation to the hospital, while favorable outcome was noted in 62.2% (n=74) of patients. Good recovery and moderate disability were observed in 27.7% (n=31) and 34.5% (n=41) of total patients respectively. While, severe disability and vegetative state was recorded in 26.1% (n=31) and 7.6% (n=9) of patients respectively.

Practical Implications: Efforts should be made to increase awareness about timely presentation and interventions for better surgical outcomes among patients of extradural hematoma.

Conclusion: Frequency of unfavorable surgical outcome of extradural hematoma found to be 37.8% in head trauma patients with late presentation.

Keywords: Extradural Hematoma, Glasgow Coma scale, surgical outcome


How to Cite

Arshad Iqbal, Taimoor Ali, Muhammad Anwarullah, Qazi Ziaullah. (2022). Impact of Delayed Presentation on the Surgical Outcome of Epidural Hematoma in Traumatic Brain Injury Patients. Pakistan Journal of Medical & Health Sciences, 16(10), 300.