Evaluation of Diagnostic Accuracy of Typhidot Test Against Blood Culture in Diagnosis of Enteric Fever


  • Mohsan Sohail, Anam Nazeer, Sarah Azhar, Ghazal Irfan, Saba Abrar, Muhammad Khan




Objective: To determine the accuracy of Typhidot test against blood culture to diagnose Enteric Fever.

Design of Study: Cross-sectional study

Place and Period of study: Arif Memorial Teaching Hospital from August 2019 to Jan 2020.

Material and Method: A total number of 89 cases who were fulfilled the inclusion criteria with signs & symptoms of Enteric fever.

Results: There were 40 (44.9%) males and 49 (55.1%) females. 60 (67.4%) patients had positive Typhidot test while 69 (77.5%) showed positive blood culture. The typhidot showed sensitivity of 68.1%, specificity of 35%, PPV (Postive Predictive value) of 78.3%, NPV (Negtive Predictive value) of 24.1% and diagnostic accuracy of 60.7% against culture (gold standard).

Conclusion: The study concludes that sensitivity & specificity of Typhidot test is less as compare to blood culture in diagnosing Enteric fever.

Keyword: Typhoid Test, Enteric fever, Blood culture, Typhidot Test, Diagnostic accuracy


How to Cite

Mohsan Sohail, Anam Nazeer, Sarah Azhar, Ghazal Irfan, Saba Abrar, Muhammad Khan. (2022). Evaluation of Diagnostic Accuracy of Typhidot Test Against Blood Culture in Diagnosis of Enteric Fever. Pakistan Journal of Medical & Health Sciences, 16(10), 297. https://doi.org/10.53350/pjmhs221610297