Etiology of Congestive Heart Failure in Children


  • Ashbah Islam, Ayesha Hafeez, Tahira Aslam, Muhammad Anwar, Shazia Siddique, Arshad Rafique



Objective: To determine the frequency of common causes of congestive heart failure among children in a tertiary care hospital.

Study Design: Cross-sectional study

Place and Duration of Study: Department of Paediatrics Medicine, Services Hospital, Lahore from 1st January 2018 to 30th June 2018.

Methodology: Ninety children were enrolled. Demographic information like name, age, gender, weight of child was noted. Complete blood count, echocardiography and chest X-ray were done. Children underwent assessment for presence of causes of congestive heart failure.

Results: Fifty six (62.22%) were between 2-30 months of age whereas 34 (37.78%) were between 31-60 months of age with mean age 29.4±12.47 months. There were 40 (44.44%) males and 50 (55.56%) females. The causes of CCF were acute myocarditis in 39 (43.33%), congenital heart disease in 31 (34.44%) and severe anemia in 20 (22.33%).

Conclusion: Acute myocarditis is one of the common causes of congestive heart failure in children aftersevere anemiaand congenital heart disease.

Keywords: Congestive heart failure, Common causes, Acute myocarditis, Congenital heart disease, Severe anemia


How to Cite

Ashbah Islam, Ayesha Hafeez, Tahira Aslam, Muhammad Anwar, Shazia Siddique, Arshad Rafique. (2022). Etiology of Congestive Heart Failure in Children. Pakistan Journal of Medical & Health Sciences, 16(09), 321.