Freequency of Depression in Care Givers of Drug Addict
Depression, Relatives, Drug Abuser, Hospital anxiety and depression scale, HADSAbstract
Background: Drug abuse is a substance-related disorder in which a person uses a substance in quantities or ways that are hazardous to them or others. It has been known for some time that humans are susceptible to addiction. Symptoms of depression are particularly common in relatives of drug addicts. So we conducted this study to find the evidence in these case to know the extent of depression in relatives of drug abusers.
Objective: To determine the frequency of depression in relatives of drug abusers presenting in outpatients department
Material & Methods
Study Design: It was cross sectional study
Setting: Department of Psychiatry, Jinnah Hospital, Lahore
Duration: 6 months after approval of synopsis i.e. from: 29-05-2017 to 29-11-2017
Data collection: After meeting the inclusion criteria 100 patients were enrolled. Then patients assessed by using HADS scoring system by researcher herself. If HADS score ≥11, then depression labeled.
Results: The mean age of the patients was 41.33±13.99 years. There were 29 males and 71 female caregivers. About 24(24%) patients were illiterate. In this study the mean HADS score was 7.81±5.86. The depression in relatives of drug abusers was found in 26(26%) patients.
Conclusion: According to this study the frequency of depression in relatives of drug abusers presenting in outpatients department is 26%.
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